Angelina & James

I had just got a new job and that's where James and I met. We had both not long split up from other relationships when we met at work, so we weren't very interested in dating anyone at the time. Before any dates were on the cards, I think I had only spoken to him a few times. Randomly I suddenly just knew he was the one as something in my head said I was going to marry him one day. It was honestly THE strangest but amazing feeling ever! (And strangely enough, growing up I was OBSESSED with the name James and green eyes! And that's him! It's like I've always knew from a young age) Our first date he won me over with food, particularly taking me to where Krispy Kreme donuts were being made. He also wasn't sure if our first date was a date, and when he mentioned it I said 'Well I hope so!' so he got really nervous after that bless him! We've been inseparable ever since and I feel SO incredibly lucky!